Diferencia entre país y nación

Diferencia entre país y nación

Diferencia principal

La nación es un término cultural y político, mientras que país es más un término geográfico y político. Ambas palabras a menudo se usan indistintamente, ya que se dice que son sinónimo de una y otra. El conocimiento detallado de estas dos palabras indica que son bastante diferentes, especialmente en lo que respecta al uso. El país se refiere al área, región o territorio en particular que está controlado por su gobierno. Contrariamente a esto, la nación se refiere al gran cuerpo de personas, que están unidas por la cultura, la ascendencia común y la historia. En algunos casos, la nación también denota el gran grupo unido por la cultura con vivir en el área específica.

Cuadro comparativo

País Nación
Definición Una nación con su propio gobierno, que ocupa un territorio en particular. Gran conjunto de personas unidas por ascendencia, historia, cultura o idioma comunes que habitan un país o territorio en particular.
Se refiere Area en particular. Grupo específico de personas.
Campo Político y geográfico. Político.
Concepto Concreto en la naturaleza. Resumen en la naturaleza.

¿Qué es el país?

The country is the political and geographical term that tells about the specific region and territory. It also comes with the concept of the control of the government in its area. Whenever we come across the word country, the affiliation of the people living in the specific region or area is by the similar government. The country in that term has nothing to do with the concept of similar culture and nationality; it is about the people living in a specific area under the umbrella of the similar government. The country has more of its inhabitants of the similar nation, but it isn’t compulsory for the country to only be a residence for one nation. There are dozens of countries which are home to several nations. The United States of America is one of the most prominent examples of the countries possessing multi-nations in it. The concept of the country is more concrete as it is well structured and can easily be seen even on the map, where the countries are divided from one and another using the boundaries. The concept of the country we should always keep in our minds is that it is about the territory or the government controlling it; it has nothing to do with the people of similar or different culture living there.

What is Nation?

The nation is cultural as well as the political term that refers to the large group, which is united regarding the culture, history, language and descent. This large body may or may not in the particular area, yet they are a nation as a whole on the basis mentioned above. A misconception prevails that people living in particular area make up the nation, but this definition gets outdated in the rapidly changing world. Some larger communities in the basis of ethnicity self-claim them as a nation but don’t get acknowledged even by their neighboring countries. For instance, Kurdish people claim to make together a nation known as the ‘nation of Kurdistan’, but they didn’t get recognized by Western countries or even from their closest neighbors. The word ‘nationality’ adds up to the confusion as it shows the relation in between the person and the state or the country. In other words, we can say that the nationality is the legal document which gives one person the right to enjoy in the particular country regardless of the culture, language or the history (nation). It is often used a synonym for the word state or the country when this happens so; it most likely refers to the specific region or area. The concept of nation is abstract in nature as it lies in between the people and the area. Therefore, it is recognized as the political and geographical term.

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País contra nación

  • La nación es el gran grupo de personas que tiene una historia, un idioma y una cultura comunes y se inhibe en un estado o país específico. Contrario a esto, un país es el área o la región controlada por su gobierno.
  • El país se refiere al área en particular, mientras que la nación se refiere a un grupo particular de personas.
  • El término ‘nación’ se usa más en el campo político. Por otro lado, el término país es más exclusivo del ámbito político y geográfico.
  • El país es el concepto concreto que incluso se puede denotar con las líneas del mapa, mientras que la nación es el concepto abstracto.